My computer is a technological tool that I use and the one that I like more. Last year I was able to have my first notebook, and from the first time that I turned it on I can not stop using it. Since the classes are online, I spend all the week using it to do assignments and tests, but also I play Red Dead Redemption and those kinds of games. So, I guess that I use it way too much.
I lived years without a computer of my own, however, now that I have the experience I can not imagine a day without it. So, everything would be boring and difficult, because if I lose this tool it would totally mess up my study and college career.
I like the freedom that comes with it, because now its use depends on what I want or need to do.
ResponderEliminarHaving a notebook is like a lifesaver nowadays, its portability makes it great when it comes to being at university or work c: .
ResponderEliminarYou are absolutely right, because of the online classes the computer is very necessary, we use it every day to study and even better if you use it for games it is a lot of fun.
Yesssss, a computer is an essential tool this days.