martes, 20 de abril de 2021

Hello, this is my first post, so I'm going to introduce myself. My name is Camila Calderón and I am twenty years old. I am in my second year as a journalism student in the University of Chile. I was born and raised in Peñaflor, Santiago. 

I am the youngest in my family, but two years ago we adopted Zuki, my dog, and now she is the baby of the family. My mom owns an embroidery company and sells facemasks. My dad is an accountant in an electricity company. My older brother works in the municipality of Talagante and my other brother, who is the middle one, is finishing college.

My favorite artist is Demi Lovato and I am loving her last album “Dancing with de devil… the art of starting over”. When I am not listening to music I am playing on my computer or watching series and films. 

7 comentarios:

  1. Holy mother, your dog Zuki is very, very cute. I love her!
    And I find your mother's embroidery company very interesting, I hope to see her products in your publications! <3

  2. In the picture it looks like your dog is thinking about how to steal your mug. It's so cute!

  3. Hi Camila, I also like Demi Lovato. Have you seen her new documentary? I have cried with all the chapters:´(

  4. Hi Camila, Zuki is so cute! by the way I also like to watch movies, what is your favorite movie?

  5. i love zuki its so cute! how old is she? also what series do you watch? can you recommend one?


  6. Hi, Camila. I love to see in my zoom meeting your profile pic whit that little and cute Zuki. And I'm going to take advantage of this comment for say that the facesmasks that your mom makes are really good!



 I would change a lot of things in my journalism study program so that the career doesn't take longer than necessary (at least 3 years),...

This is me